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Rag Rug Workshop DVD & More Rag Rugs Book

Jenni Stuart-Anderson has been making rag rugs and teaching this traditional skill since 1987. Follow Jenni’s expert tips and ideas in this book and DVD bundle, with ten rag rug projects to make in the book and join in the Rag Rug workshop in the DVD.
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Rag Rug Workshop DVD
In this fascinating DVD, we join Jenni at one of her workshops. The basic techniques are so simple that little time is spent explaining them. More important are the hints, tips and experience she is able to pass on, as well as the very real enjoyment to be had from sitting with a group of friends and chatting whilst exchanging ideas and knowledge - just as our ancestors once did.

Running Time: 55 minutes


More Rag Rugs & Recycled Textile Projects. 
This book includes ten inspiring, new step-by-step projects including four by guest designer/makers. As well as rag rugs, the projects include jewellery, a wall-hanging, a customised bag, plus a rug woven on a peg loom, with enough information to make a peg loom - for a fast, simple way of weaving. They all use recycled textiles and some use scrap yarns too.